Decorative Ply

IS:1328 Decorative Ply

Prince Deco Veneers

Prince Deco Veneers
IS: 1328

Prince Decorative Veneers are known for its designs, colors, shades, and textures. Prince decorative veneers are made from the finest domestic and imported grain veneers. Prince decorative veneers are available in natural as well as re con shades. Its superior finish of the grains gives the plywood, a natural edge over all the others in creating a classical & functional interior that made from the true depth of imagination. Its beauty does not get affected by time.

The ISI marked Prince decorative plywood is bonded with ISl marked powder MUF resin that gives an extremely clean finish. When used in homes, offices, hotels and other interior applications it adds a touch of elegance, giving your interiors a life their very own.


  • Available in a wide range of designs, colors, shades, and grains
  • Excellent surface finish
  • Treated and strongly bonded base ply for a long life


  • Clean the surface with a soft cloth before polish
  • Good quality and undiluted synthetic resin is recommended for joining

Technical Specifications IS:1328

TESTISI RequirementObserved Value
1Open SplitsNot more than 150 mm Length and 0.5 mm in Width
Rectified with Veneer Insert Bonded with Synthetic Resin
No open splits
2Torn Grain, Dead Knots, Dote, Discolouration, and SapwoodFree from such defectsFree from such defects
3Moisture Content5% - 15%8%
4Water Resistance Test
(3 Cycles of 3 hrs Boiling at 60 degree C & 8 Hrs Drying at 65 degree C)
No De-lamination or Blister FormationNo De-lamination or Blister Formation